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Home : Cropping : Associations


Associations and farm bureaus for crop growers.

  • Birchip Cropping Group (visit site) - A farmer-driven agricultural organisation that conducts agronomic research on cereal, pulse and oilseed crops grown in the Wimmera-Mallee region of Victoria.
    (Added: Aug 25 2003)   What's this?
  • Grassland Society of NSW (visit site) - An organisation for the transfer of information and technology relevant to pasture, grazing and land management. Aims to advance the investigation of problems affecting grassland husbandry and to encourage the adoption into practice of results of research and practical experience.
    (Added: Dec 14 2004)   Broken link Broken link   What's this?
  • AgVance Farming (visit site) - Farmer group based in the Liverpool Plains region of north-west New South Wales.
    (Added: Sep 18 2003)   Broken link Broken link
  • Farmlink Research (visit site) - Comprises growers, grower groups, research organisations, advisers and agribusiness, addressing priority agricultural research issues in southern New South Wales.
    (Added: Aug 9 2006)
  • Liebe Group (visit site) - Progressive farmer group working together to sustain and enhance the rural environment through a whole systems approach to agriculture.
    (Added: May 4 2005)   Broken link Broken link

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